Sunday, March 1, 2009

Voting Begins Now

I'm so excited for all the contest participants because there are only three! Everyone will win something! Everyone walks away a winner, now who doesn't like that!? So here they are in random order:
B: Look closely, there's a baby tooth in there, just popping through.


Anyone can vote for any image but only one vote per person please. These all represent the theme "New Beginnings" in some form or fashion. Tell your friends, parents, cousins, neighbors, or even random people at Walmart to vote. Pick a favorite then go to my website ( ) and fill in the contact page including the letter of the image you'd like to vote for in the comments section. Good luck to the three participants who were brave enough to play. :D


Anonymous said...

I vote C!!!! Beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote C


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