Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Returning from Vacation

My husband and I dropped our three children off with his parents and then boarded a plane for a 6 day anniversary trip to San Francisco. The weather was beautiful, and after a day or two I stopped feeling like I was forgetting something. Going from a busy life with three children where you constantly remind little people to put on shoes, go to the bathroom, buckle up, get out, don't grab, sit down, mind your manners and lots more... to traveling with a handsome grown man who can care for himself, and actually looks out for me most of the time, took some adjusting. We had a wonderful time doing lots of grown up activities like hiking 10 miles in redwood covered mountains, driving and touring wineries in Sonoma and Napa, exploring the tide pools on the beach and then of course eating dinner whenever WE were hungry. Unfortunately upon returning home, it took me at least a week to settle back into my routine and my real life. Room service will spoil me more quickly than anything else!

I do apologize for not mentioning my leave of absence prior to our departure, but I did return emails and phone calls periodically so hopefully no one thought I'd dropped off the planet never to be seen again. Those that have young children know how difficult it is to pack a family of 5 and get them out of the house with everything necessary for a week long trip, and honestly, I completely forgot about my blog in the midst of all the chaos.

If you've read this far, thank you for sticking with me, and I am indeed back and working too. I'm booking into October with only 1 Saturday left in September so if you're considering fall family portraits, don't wait too long. Email me at allison@thornton-photography.com soon!

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